Location: bremerton, wa
Start/finish Date: june 2021 - September 2022
Contract: $6,237,237
Description: 4100 lineal feet of 12-inch HDPE sewer force main, approx. 4200 lineal feet of 2-inch and 3-inch lower pressure sewer in the City right-of-way, approx. 1160 lineal feet of 12-inch storm sewer, approx. 200 feet of 16-inch HDPE gravity sewer, demolition, abandonment of beach sewer laterals in place, grading, hot mix asphalt, cement concrete sidewalks, curbs, and gutters; electrical systems including service cabinets, electrical lines, and junction boxes; installation of utility conduits and vaults; installation of simplex and duplex grinder pump stations on private properties and in the City right-of-way, discharge piping, and associated appurtenances; and traffic control.