LOCATION:    Puyallup, WA
CONTRACT:    $10,002,520
In early 2007, this 357,000-sq. ft. project set off to transform the full service community hospital into an ultramodern regional healthcare center, providing advanced medical services and personalized care in a warm, supportive environment. Encompassing an area equal to six city blocks, the GSH expansion is highly complex, involving a sloping site, immovable boulders, numerous underground utilities, communications lines, piping (many of which were undocumented) and multiple overlapping design phases. Active Construction, Inc. is proud of being a part of the site civil construction, and assisting with the first hospital in Washington to meet the requirements of “LEED Silver” sustainable design certification. It has been a pleasure to work with Skanska, General Contractor. 
ACI’s scope included site development for a new patient care tower, parking garage, and consisted of a mass excavation. Additional work included construction of new patient/public access, including side walks, curbs and gutters, and underground site utilities for a central utility building. Also ACI provided construction of surrounding streets with new infrastructure. 

LOCATION:    Puyallup, WA
CONTRACT:    $4,083,457
This NOAA project included 17 acres of wetlands estuary restoration along the banks of the Puyallup River. ACI’s work included construction and installation of the following storm water pollution prevention measures: soil erosion control, barrier fencing at four existing wetland areas, clearing, grubbing, ring levee construction, mass excavation of approximately 57,000 cy of soil, fine grading of levee, and habitat restoration. ACI performed re-channelization around the existing wet land areas, re-grading around the existing habitats, and incorporated the channeled areas around the existing habitats of the new and existing Salmon spawning areas. This project included the import of approximately 156,000 tons of blended material for levee construction. In addition to the habitat preservation ACI installed a storm sewer system. This project was awarded the 2008 Build Washington Award in the environmental division to the General Contractor – Wade Perrow Construction.

LOCATION:     Gig Harbor, WA
START DATE:   2008
CONTRACT:    $3,521,428
Under strict time constraints, ACI completed all major items of this project within 45 days of a 108 work-day project. ACI reconstructed approx, 1,400 ft. of roadway; constructed new sidewalks, curbs and gutters; installed storm drainage, storm water detention vault, water quality vault, concrete and block retaining walls; auger bored a 24" diameter storm drain pipe under a major highway (Hwy 16); relocated sanitary sewer force main; installed illumination systems, provided striping, permanent signage, traffic control; installed closed bottom box culvert, constructed a salmon stream (fish-way), relocated and restored a stream, provided wetland mitigation and habitat restoration with additional culverts, grading, plantings, and other work.

LOCATION:     Gig Harbor, WA
START DATE:   2007
CONTRACT:     $5,662,075
In 2007, ACI worked with General Contractor, Sellen Construction on this project. The 256,00sq.ft, 112 bed hospital in Gig Harbor addresses the need for critical healthcare services within this growing region. The Hospital included 24 hour emergency care, medical surgical, critical care units, inpatient/outpatient surgery, heart & vascular unit, diagnostic imaging, a 93,000 sq. ft. medical office building and parking for 700 cars. ACI provided site and utilities work for the new community hospital. Work included, but was not limited to, 170,000 cy of earthwork, utilities, and frontage street improvements. 

LOCATION:     Olympia, WA
CONTRACT:    $3,155,105
Construction included the reconstruction of the existing street of RW Johnson and infrastructure for 21st Ave. ACI provided two 16 foot travel lanes, two 5 foot wide Class II pervious concrete bike lanes, and two 6 ft wide ADA accessible pervious concrete sidewalks. Additional work included landscaping, planter strips, street lighting, storm water pond improvements, and replacement of the existing 12" water main with approximately 2,030 lf of 16” water main. ACI also up sized the portion of LOTT sanitary sewer main with 975 lf of 30” sewer main. ACI worked on underground private utilities and the synchronized schedules. Extensive communication with local utility companies and residents was imperative for a successful project. This was the first project in the state of Washington to utilize pervious concrete for bike lanes. ACI was open to work with the city during this season of record rainfall. The project resulted in ACI winning the 2006 Build Washington Award in the division of Municipal Utilities.